From the Whole Foods, Whole Deal Newsletter which has great tips and great deals:
I Eat Well. I eat a variety of whole foods—real, fresh, natural, organic, local, seasonal
and unprocessed as much as possible. I emphasize plant-based foods, no matter
what type of diet I generally follow. I minimize refined, highly processed foods
and eliminate non-nutritive substances, such as hydrogenated fats and artificial
flavorings, colors, preservatives and sweeteners.
I Have Fun. I believe that food should be delicious, pleasurable and fun. Joyful eating
inspires and nourishes my body, mind and spirit. I celebrate where and how my
food is grown and its bond with nature because it complements and enriches my
relationship with my food and my community.
I Take Charge. I accept and appreciate that all dietary paths on the road to health
deserve kindness, courtesy and respect. I seek out tools, education and guidance
to expand my awareness about health-supportive food choices. I am empowered to
make the best personal decisions for my own health and well-being.
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