Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Take the Healthy Eating Pledge!

From the Whole Foods, Whole Deal Newsletter which has great tips and great deals:

I Eat Well. I eat a variety of whole foods—real, fresh, natural, organic, local, seasonal
and unprocessed as much as possible. I emphasize plant-based foods, no matter
what type of diet I generally follow. I minimize refined, highly processed foods
and eliminate non-nutritive substances, such as hydrogenated fats and artificial
flavorings, colors, preservatives and sweeteners.

I Have Fun. I believe that food should be delicious, pleasurable and fun. Joyful eating
inspires and nourishes my body, mind and spirit. I celebrate where and how my
food is grown and its bond with nature because it complements and enriches my
relationship with my food and my community.

I Take Charge. I accept and appreciate that all dietary paths on the road to health
deserve kindness, courtesy and respect. I seek out tools, education and guidance
to expand my awareness about health-supportive food choices. I am empowered to
make the best personal decisions for my own health and well-being.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

About me/ My mission

I am a mother of two, a student, a wife, and a pretty poor house keeper. I think that the Standard American Diet (SAD) is the reason for the majority of the health problems we experience as Americans. My family and I have made a commitment to an organic diet and lifestyle. I am vocal about my belief in organic and whole foods. In my speaking with friends and family I have discovered a lot of reasons why people do not eat organic.

1. Cost
2. Availability
3. Why bother?
4. Time
5. Inconvenience

I decided to write this blog to chronicle my family's journey out of SAD and into a healthy organic diet. I will share recipes for quick and healthy meals, give tips about where to find good organic food, share my pitfalls (we all fall off of the wagon sometimes) and basically describe what it is like to be a busy family of four and live organically. Hopefully through this blog I can inspire my friends, family, and complete strangers to live organically. It isn't just about what you eat anymore, it's about where what you eat comes from. This country is in need of a food revolution and I am hoping to do my small part with this blog.